Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Front garden update

We found some borer holes on part of the almond out front so we'll have to trim heavily and apply something to make the borers shove off.
My front beds are under attack by chickens and cats. My first winter bed is growing well. I've managed to transplant the garlic to the back beds and the peas seem to be coming up nicely. Now if I can only convince the cats that flinging mice into my veggie beds is not a good idea then that would help. As more of the front beds are cleared more of the chickens find their way u front to scratch thoughtlessly through my just planted beds. I have not noticed any seedlings in one of the beds so I think they ate and/or killed them. I'll just have to plant that bed over again.
Next on my list - finish picking tomatoes and summer veggies, clear beds, plant winter crops, cut old berry stems and burn them, finish throwing away the star thistle and endless weeding. Yaaay for home grown veggies and food.

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