Victory over the pigs of evil. My much improved pen gate and the diabolically clever gate closing system was enough to over come the piggies of evil. I went out in the morning to check my new pig trap only to discover two 100lb furry torpedoes properly in their pen where they belong. The neighbor's horse misses his piggy friends though, he now spends his days over by the fence wondering why his friends don't come under the fence and visit him any more. As a concession to the horse we did build the pen very close to the fence to that they can at least see each other and "talk" back and forth a little.
Both lucky and unlucky for the pigs of evil, we came to the conclusion that where we unable to get them back in the pen it would be shotgun time. So now they have a stay of execution, but next fall or winter we will have pork galore!
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