Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Slaughter Party!

Well it is that time, time to say good buy to some of our animals. Rosie and I are planning a slaughter day for the 26th of march, we will be slaughtering one pig and if we get enough people to help a goat as well and perhaps a few roosters. If you are interested in participating in the slaughter day drop us a email or message and we will let you know more details. Just a word of warning, slaughtering animals is messy, smelly, bloody and can be psychologically traumatizing for some people. A quick outline of the process:

We will start by shooting the pig in the head then immediately slashing its throat to let the blood drain out. Then the carcass will be scalded in hot water and scrapped to get the outer layer of skin and hair off. Then we will split the carcass and begin to part it out. Any organs and extra bits of meat will be used that evening to make sausage. The skin will be dried and used for leather. We will use everything but the oink. This is a lot of work and will take all day.

If that sounds good to you, we would love to have you help. We will have some homebrew on hand and can offer some crash space if needed. Hope to see some of you there.


  1. Drat. Becca's birthday party is that day. Although I'm fairly sure she'd rather kill livestock than have a party at the gym and jump in the ball pit, I think we'll just leave things as they have been scheduled...

  2. Hmm, the 26th of March you say. That falls on my spring break from sacramento methinks. I promise nothing, but mayhaps I shall join you for the festivities.
