Make sure there is enough wood seasoned/cut/stacked to keep the house warm as we use a wood burning stove to keep our house heated.
Start the canning, pickling and preserving of anything that will not be eaten in the next few months.
Keep an eye on the gardens and harvest anything that will be ruined by an early freeze.
Pick out what animals will be slaughtered for food this winter.
Prepare new garden plots and figure out the layout for the winter fruits and vegetables.
Fix any house items that need to be taken care of before the rain and the cold start (insulation, concrete, well, chimney)
Fix any farm items that need to be addressed before the rain and the cold set in (animal shelters, stream and pond maintenance, fencing)
Make sure we have what we need inside the house for a good winter, lay down our thick carpets, bring out the warmer blankets, wash and clean our outdoor winter work clothing.
Lay down a new batch of cider and mead for long winter nights/parties.
The list goes on and on but with each season comes new tasks and with the new tasks come new joys. We have come to enjoy each of our seasons; the heat of Summer that helps you nap threw the hottest part of the day and the warm lazy nights, the crispness of Fall with the dropping of the leaves and harvest of the pumpkins, the cold freezes of winter and sitting in front of a warm fire on a dark night with stew cooking on the wood burning stove, the explosion of life in spring with the down pouring rain and thick green grasses and all the hilarity of the new born animals learning how to run and play. Each season has its own jobs dictated to us by the needs of a lifestyle that rolls with the changing of the plants, animals, weather and the land. We strive not to fight the seasons with central air and food shipped from afar but to adapt to the season and enjoy the gifts each one brings.
On the other hand........ I hate being cold, the mud drives me crazy, when the stream floods and I get water in my boots I want to curse. And let me tell you you don't know fun until you are up BEFORE DAWN in temps firmly in the lower teens to break the ice on the animal waters and do the morning feeding. Oh and did I mention the thrills of lighting wet firewood in the stove when it is so cold you can barely feel your fingers? Ah and lets not forget the joys of frozen water pipes (no shower, no coffee, no indoor plumbing) before you head off to work. Ya.... Winter.... Just dandy......
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