Saturday, April 28, 2012

Luscious landscaping

I recently met someone who thought that horticulture was a waste of a major at a University, I find that sentiment to be pretty sad. When asked what I thought they were good for, I responded that I love luscious landscaping and I've met a lot of horticulture majors that advocate it. I had to elaborate on what luscious landscaping was because they were under the impression that it was just good foliage.

What is luscious landscaping you ask, well it also goes by the term "edible gardening." And honestly, what more do you need to realize that it rocks?

When we were planning out our front yard and the layout of the back yard, I really wanted everything to serve a purpose. Yes, there are many beautiful trees, plants, bushes, and such, but how will they help me on the homestead if they do not provide anything? I wanted to have my plants to be functional, beautiful, and above all - edible. We do have a few shade trees, but their branches can be used to make hurdles, or spear shafts, or many other medieval functions.

For example, in the front yard our fencing is covered with grapes and berries, our tree provides shade and almonds and soon apples from the small tree. The borders provide herbs and strawberries, the beds break up the open area and provide veggies and fruit that can be picked and eaten in the shade of the almond tree. I guess in a way I find edibles to be beautiful and as such I strive to share that beauty. At the moment we have peas growing like mad and their flowers look lovely as well as let us know that we're going to have a bounty of peas to enjoy. The plants and trees bloom and let us enjoy the beauty of their blossoms, the fragrance of their blooms, and the beauty of their fruit. What more can you need in any landscape?

Our front yard is covered with splashes of white, pink, red, purple, and yellow flowers as the fruits and veggies start blooming. I know that it's not the conventional huge yard for Ivan to play in, but he'll enjoy eating healthy food while playing in his trees. I couldn't ask more than that. So when you are thinking about gardening this year, if you are used to planting annuals try planting some veggies to lighten up your flower bed and to provide you with a little bit of produce. You'll enjoy the beauty and the food.

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