Monday, May 14, 2012

Our wish list

Some of you may have noticed the new wish list on the right hand side of the blog. This was an addition the sprung from the suggestions of more than a few people, friends as well as casual readers. People had been asking us what they could do to help and/or what we needed and after a fair bit of talking Rosie and decided that we would add a wish list for the homestead.

So why would anyone in their right mind want to gift us something from the wish list? Well other than the warm fuzzy feeling you get from supporting your local farmers we will make sure you get some of the goodies related to your gift. If you stumble across a good wine corker you can rest assured that you will be getting some hard cider and mead from our next batch. If you are able to drop off some t-posts or cattle panel, you are sure to receive some meat from the next slaughter and eggs at our next meeting. The list goes on and on.

Often Rosie and I feel overwhelmed with all we do; taking care of our Son (11 months soon), working full time jobs, running a working farm, teaching classes, historical re-enactment, and maintaining relationships with our friends and families. It is not uncommon for us to work 16-20 hour days 7 days a week. At times we receive help from our friends (Lisa and Shawn, Kim, Melody, and Brigid) and that help can not be valued enough but for any who wish they could be a part of this grand experiment that is The Homestead, the wish list is a great way to put your toes in and test the awesomeness that is the modern self sustaining farm.


  1. Let me talk to Pete. We might be able to pass a push mower along to you.

    Also, related to said 11 m.o., we have some "you're 1-year-old" decorations and a numeral 1 candle, barely used, if you'd like them.

    1. Push mower it is! We'll bring it to the baby's party. Get to work, Kiddo!

    2. But, uh, we don't need any grass, even though it's related to mowing. ;)

    3. LOL I just realized that Jed had written something up. We'd love the decorations for the party! I hadn't thought of that part yet. I think we can think of big picture with the push mower. We'll cut down the grass to feed to the sheep, goats, and cow. Which means we'll have lovely yellow milk and delicious meats to pass on to you. =)
