Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Beauty in change

I love walking out into the yard. The front yard is looking well with all the growing garlic, lettuce, spinach, brussel sprouts, favas, peas, as well as our perrenial strawberries, blueberries, boysenberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, asparagus, artichokes, and blackberries. The almond tree is done blooming and the last of the petals are falling down. The apple tree is starting to bud out with the red tips from the flowers are starting to open. The herbs are coming in with the mints taking over the pathway as well as the garage, the comfrey and others near the patio are looking happy.

I lived in Morro Bay for many years and noticed that I really missed the change in seasons. Seeing plants at every stage of their development, including dormancy seems to bring out its beauty. I find myself anticipating the seasons that much more. Spring and summer are wonderful with the food coming in, but it's also the quiet in the winter from the lack of birds, it's the wind blowing in the fall that lets you know that the temperature will change soon and things are ready to go to sleep. I find myself forgetting to take the camera outside with me to take you all on the trip so that you can see how things are progressing. I wish to show the obsurd growth on one of my white currants and the tiny flowers it's just pushing out because it just wants to give fruit. The spring growth gives me something to look forward to, but it also lets me know how the roots did during the winter. It lets me know if my pruning did the plants good during the dormancy or if I need to change it around next year. I'm not sure if it's the work that adds to the pleasure in the changes, but I do so enjoy our home.

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