Friday, August 3, 2012

The Breakfast Club

Sometimes I find it very difficult living in a house where everyone wants to wake up after 10am. There is something magical and comforting waking up to watch the sky lighten and the moon hide behind the clouds or sink down behind the trees. I think that coffee commercials build up the hype about drinking coffee in the morning before starting your day. Actually those commercials make me want to throw rocks at the fauxfarmers and the roosters on them. Jed has to have his coffee or tea in the morning, but if I was to do that I would not get started until way later than I needed to start. Sometimes I wish I could drink something hot, but a prepared meal is really what happens after your morning chores. For example the other morning I got to chase a pack of coyotes at 3:30am (with Zuzu) then finish cleaning up so that I can process more milk. I started more laundry and picked up after the little man. After that was watering of the plants in the front with picking of basil before the bees could get to the flowers. Mint and soapwort were picked for another batch of soap and I was able to pick up two dropped Braeburns and a couple of dropped almonds as my breakfast. I ate these while weeding and I was able to finish my morning chores in time for Ivan to wake up around 7am. All in time to get everything ready to go milk Cow and start the morning batch of milk processing.

Don't get me wrong, I usually get to come back inside and make scones or pancakes for the little man before we go milk Cow, but that is also on the run. I think I just prefer that quiet time before everything else wakes up and when it is just me and my plants getting to know each other. When I get to find the newest pumpkin growing or the fat strawberry that Ivan will eat later on. Or inspecting the poor grapes that Ivan has ravished (Ivan the Grapist?) the previous day or the apples to see what I can do to help the tree for next year. It seems a bit awesome to me to be out there even when it's just me and the fading light of the stars as the sun begins to peak. I just seems magical to me. Or maybe that's just the mommy in me getting a break and so everything seems magical.. or maybe it's just the lack of sleep. But in any case, I say if you get a chance go out into your garden in the morning hours before the sun begins to peak and take a look at your plants. The sights and smells will be completely different than what you see during the day. Just as in the evening, that transitional period of time makes the garden feel different see if you can sneak a chance in the morning to experience your plants as they begin to wake up as well.

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