Sunday, September 16, 2012

Left out

OK the image has nothing to do with this post, I just thought it was funny.

Well we just completed another slaughter day, roughly 25 roosters and one drake met their end. We had a number of people who where able to attend and a few who wanted to but where unable to make it out. There where some people who I thought who would be interested but we never heard from them and that got me thinking.

Some people (and it seems like a lot when I start to count) who hear about what Rosie and I are attempting at our homestead and seem like they want to come by and be a part of our project days but we rarely hear from them or see them. Often times this is because people have lives, like we used to before this whole homestead thing, and are unable to make it out due to kids or work or school or whatever. But some times people "did not know you where doing a slaughter party on that day" or the like. We really don't mean to leave any one out and we really do enjoy it when people come over to be part of this grand experiment that is Jed and Rosie's Homestead, "Good Enough Farm" is always better with more people on hand to enjoy it. But some times people feel left out because we did not get a hold of them via phone or personal email. When we invite people over we do so via online social networking (mostly facebook) and we are able to get out the work quite easily and make updates at the last moment. Yes I know some people won't or can't use facebook or other online networking sites, but frankly if you refuse to use them you WILL miss out on information passed over them. When we send  out announcements for a work day or a slaughter party we are sending out a notification to over 100 people, making 100 individual phone calls or emails is simple not possible for us in any realistic way. And we don't mean to leave anyone out but people do slip threw the cracks when we are trying to talk at that many people at once.

So if you feel slighted that we did not tell you about an event at the homestead, rest assured that if you where over looked it was accidental and not in any way intentional. We value all our friends and as such you are all welcome over here to join in this community, many hands make light work and more fun.

Please look us up on Facebook if you want to have the hands on experience at Jed and Rosie's Homestead.


  1. Strange, I find your Facebooking very clear--in a life of constant changes and interruptions, it's as clear as you can make it. Thanks for making the effort! I really do want to add some technology to the 11/11 day, btw.

  2. Not slighted, just busy (rehearsal this time). I really want to make it down there some time.
