Friday, February 15, 2013

The Lunch Hour - Linguica Sandwiches

It would be a sad work fridge indeed if it did not have some cheap yellow mustard. With this as the beginning I was able to go online for a bit, go shopping for ingredients, cook my sandwiches and eat them in peace before the end of my lunch hour, so you know this is a quick meal.

Sandwich rolls of choice
One link of linguica per two sandwiches
Onion - sliced in thin rounds
1 tbsp of oil
Cheap yellow mustard

We have a tiny 6"x6" electric skillet at work, which I used for this recipe. Add oil to skillet and heat to hot. Add onions and saute for a bit. Cover onions periodically to help soften them up. Cut you linguica in half, then slice those two halves lengthwise and add then to the onions. The linguica will begin to cook and leak out its juices which will help caramelize the onions. Once your onions are done take them out and let your linguica cook until you are satisfied. I would highly recommend placing the lid on your skillet to diminish smoke and steam that can set off the buildings sprinkler system. While these cook place your rolls in the toaster oven to toast. Once the meat is done place the linguica in your rolls, cover with onions, and then add your mustard. There are many variations to this recipe, feel free to experiment, but above all enjoy! (Ok, above all don't set your building on fire or set off the sprinkler system. )

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