Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dog days of summer

I woke up yesterday thinking that I could go let the animals out and then get back to bed... boy was I wrong.

I looked out and I saw something duck under the tall grasses and so I went out to investigate. I found Sassy, our left neighbor's tiny dog in the back yard. When she saw that I was looking she ducked down and was trying to hide. I walked over and I picked her up and walked her over to her back yard and tossed her over. (It's a routine.) And then I went to go open up the chickens. I opened up the coop and was going to walk over to the other animals when I heard them squack. I looked over and our right neighbor's dog had broken the fence and was trying to play with the chickens. He is not a tiny lap dog, hence the breaking of the fence, but a 150+ dog that is very happy to play. I ended up getting a hold of his collar but did not have anything that I could attach to his collar so that I can take him back home. I ended up moving him towards the front yard and was trying to get him to his house but failed in that he ended up running down the street in the completely wrong direction. I went and knocked on my neighbor's door to let them know that their dog was out. I was going back when I heard the chickens squack again and looked over to see that the dog had gotten back into my backyard and was running around. (Good thing I hadn't let the cats out yet.) I walked over and saw my neighbor walking down the street and he lifted his arms up in a questioning manner and I pointed to my yard. He started walking back just as his dog pushed the unlocked gate open and ran out to play. Our neighbor was able to get the dog back into his kennel and then we fixed the fence.

So much for sleeping in. =)

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