Monday, February 22, 2010

Chicken Pushers

Apparently, Jed and I have turned into chicken pushers. Whenever we start talking to people about our chickens or give them some of the eggs from our chickens they become interested in raising chickens. We've had a couple of people order chicks and others who are waiting to see if we have any spare baby chicks... We shall conquer the world, one chick at a time. On the plus side, I like chickens and fresh meat and eggs are always good. I hope they enjoy their chickens as much as we do. (To tell the truth, I have no clue why people have TVs, all I have to do is walk outside with some bread and watch the chickens bonk heads as they try to take it away and I'm amused for hours.)


  1. Do you have any red dorkings?

  2. =( Nope, our silver-gray dorkings will be in next week. Did you want to start them from chicks or would you like to try out some full grown, already laying chickens to start off with?
