Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New kid on the block

We ended up picking up another little nubian doe last night. The seller wasn't sure of her age but she looks to be about a week or two old. She's drinking out of a baby bottle and she looks to have scour so I'll be making butter to get buttermilk and make the drink I need for her. I left her with a warm house, a full tummy, and a bowl full of cut grass for her to feed on. I would like her to start attempting to eat some solids so that we can move her away from milk. Thankfully we have milk from Big Goat so I've been using that to feed her. She drank like the dickens last night so we'll see about evening out her eating intake. Right now she's about as tall as one of the cats so she's still pretty tiny. She's also very friendly so I see her having the personality of Lil' Rosie. She wasn't at all upset about leaving the other goats, but she did get a bit whiny if Jed and I both left the house. If she's anything like Lil' Rosie then she'll cry herself hoarse and we can go from there. Last night she woke up twice hungry and I was able to take the first watch while Jed took the second.

We also spent some time trying to figure out a name for her. Jed wanted "Little Goat" to go with Big Goat, but I requested that we give her another name. After many names we decided this morning to name her Negrita. It is a term of endearment in spanish and it pretty much means "Little Black One." It was a bit cute, after she drank her fill she stumbled over to her blanket and then fell asleep. She was out completely and Jed was able to take several pictures of her. The only way you can distinguish her from her blankets is that she has white ears and a white mouth, but you can't see it because she pretty much face planted onto the blankets and slept for 5 hours straight.

I'll be picking up most of the things I need during my lunch so that I can just drive home tonight and hang out with her for a bit. She'll be in the house until she's able to eat some solids and hang out with the bigger goats. She's not really able to maintain her body temp yet so we'll see about keeping her warm until she's able to hang out with the other goats. It's neat to see how much Rosie and Ramses have grown. Oh, and Big Goat is a bitch and I look forward to eating her. ... As soon as we dry her off after Rosie is with kid.

Butter recipe:

Bottle of cream

Directions: Shake until butter separates from buttermilk. You'll start feeling the little pebbles form prior to the butter forming.

I scrape the cream from the goat milk I get and we now have a bowl full of goat butter that we use. It's a bit funny because I now realize how decadent it is to make cookies or anything that takes a lot of butter. If it takes me a week to get about 6 tbsp of butter than I would have to wait a couple week's worth of milking to get enough butter to make a cake.. I can see why they were so sparse and special.

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