Today had its good moments and its frustrating moments (all of which had to do with lame insurance). Luckily, all the amusing and good moments had to do with happy farm things.
I was woken up around 4 to loud chirping coming from the turkey room. I found that all three of the turkeys had escaped their box and were somewhere in the room. The room is currently filled with baby, turkey, and armour making items so to find three baby turkeys while only using the light of the heat lamp made for an interesting Where's Waldo sort of feel. I found the last one hiding under a spanish book about a hippo who can't find it's peanut butter sandwich.
After work I was able to drive down and pick up a scythe that a gentleman had posted on craigslist and of course we immediately started talking about gardening. Luckily, we both had time to kill so we spent some time talking about different plants we were trying out this year and how last year went with our crops.
I stopped by Jed's work to see if I could drop off food for him but he was out on a call so I ended up dropping off his food and was going to leave when I noticed that there was a bucket near the car. I walked over and it turned out to be the spent grains that his co-worker had used for his beer making. I took this over to the van and dumped the spent grains in the pig bucket to take home. (Yes, I actually carry a pig bucket almost everywhere I go... you never know when you'll find something very numy for the piggies to eat.)
At home I unloaded the pig bucket into the wheelbarrow and I took it out to the pigs. As soon as I started filling up their trough Squeaker jumped into the spent grain and starting eating enthusiastically while biting the snouts of the others if they tried to get near the beer grains. I couldn't help but laugh and wish that I had a camera on me to take a picture of my poor abused piggies. Aaron came out to help and ended up giving Squeaker her full name: Squeaker McSqueakums
When I came back in to the house I checked on the baby turkeys (actually called poults) again and found that one had escaped again. I couldn't figure out where it had gone and was following the faint peeps. I finally heard some scratching and figured that it wasn't in a box somewhere. It turned out that it had somehow jumped into the 25lb bag of chick food and was going through it with all the gusto a tiny chick could muster. It looked a bit disappointed when I placed it back with the others.
It's days like these that I really enjoy living where we live. =) I wouldn't trade it for anything else.