Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Berries are in

Yesterday Jed helped me plant the remaining raspberries in the backyard. I'm really greatful that Jed is able to help me because otherwise I'm totally out of breath and cannot even get enough energy to dig. I had to take multiple breaks while placing the seedlings in the ground. Hopefully the chickens will not dig these up as they did with the poplar trees and the blackberries. I'll have to keep a close eye on them. I like visualizing what the backyard will look like in a few years. I can just imagine the berries covering that whole part of the fence. The trees growing in and providing shade as well as a shield from the surrounding properties. The open land full of crops for humans and animals. =) It's just such a happy visual that I get all excited just thinking about it. If only I can take a nap so that I have more energy.

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