Thursday, April 14, 2011

Outlaw Goats

Tuesday is our normal practice night in San Luis Obispo and so Jed and I were out there having a blast with Gar and the guys. Well, Jed and I have a tendency to talk about home stuff when we're on drives to see what we can do better, what we can organize, or to make to-do lists. This Tuesday we were talking about how much we enjoy the things we do, but to continue on a conversation we had before, we have a tendency not to have that much time since we currently have something like 3.5 full time jobs. Taking care of the animals and plants takes a lot of time and energy. The rewards are breathtaking, but still it is the reward of many hours of labor and much work.

The ironic part of this conversation is that when we got home at 9pm we walked in to hear the phone ringing. Jed picks up says a few words and then says, "We'll be there in 15 minutes." Automatically I think: goats. Our goats were at a friend's house in Atascadero trying to eat down their weeds.

We get back in the car and Jed lets me know that the goats busted the fence, were running around the neighbors property and/or possibly the neighborhood and that the cops were there. We couldn't help but start laughing at the fact that we were driving to go pick up goats at 9pm because they had become outlaws. I was hoping that we'd get cute mugshots that I could bring home and add to the blog, but no such luck.

When we arrived the goats were already corraled into the front so we went and looked at the gate - something we'll have to go back and help fix- (We still need to find out if the goats caused any damage to the neighbors property so that we can fix that too) and made up our minds to bring them home that night as we could not easily fix the gate in the dark. We loaded the now fat goats into the van and brought them back home. They are now trying to beat up the sheep and are complaining about their loss of new bushes and trees that they were eating at Melody and Lucy's.


  1. What can I say, our bushes are delicious. If you have an other animals that actually eat grass we'd feed them too. =P

  2. I don't think I can even respond to that with a straight face. =D
    We'll see about just coming out with our scythe and see what we can do.
