Monday, December 10, 2012


We've recently planted our garlic for the year. Last year we had Spanish Roja and Purple Glazer. Both turned out amazing so we thought we'd add to our varieties this year so that we can keep a large selection of garlic seed stock. This year we have: Spanish Roja, Purple Glazer, Late Pink, Russian Red, German Red, Purple Italian (All we need is a Japanese type to have an Axis Garlic group), and Bogatyr. We have French Red Shallots as well and we'll be experimenting with different types of onions. So far, we planted at least 100 cloves of each garlic, which will (with luck) produce 700+ heads of garlic. The ratio that is given is that 1lb of garlic can produce 10 lbs of garlic. If we're lucky, we can end up with 70 lbs of garlic. Jed says it's a good start.

Which brings me to my next part of garlic. When I was asked what I did for the weekend I told people about planting garlic, at which point every single person I met mentioned that they did not know that there were different types of garlic. Yes, yes there are many different types of garlic. Many wonderful, exotic tasting garlics. Some that can set your mouth on fire and others that will provide a subtle taste to your food. I'm including some pages that provide garlic (in particular heirloom garlic) for you all to drool over and enjoy. If you get a chance this year, try garlic. It is one of the easiest crops to grow although it does require a bit of time in the ground.

Sites for garlic:

You can also try your local Feed/Tractor store to see if they carry any.

I once heard an adage of planting on the shortest day and harvesting on the longest day, don't follow it. Garlic needs the dark days to encourage bulb growth. I had really good turn out planting Halloween and harvesting in May. The end of October is usually when we get the first frost so that works. Pay attention to your climate to determine when it would be best to grow yours. Good Luck and enjoy!!

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