Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Farmwork while pregnant

Pregnancy seems to be short bursts of energy punctuated with bouts of utter fail. Today I'm so tired but was able to feed the animals and con Aaron into helping me move the huge mound of green waste in the front to the back where it can feed the goats. Aaron was able to move large quantities of the green waste by tying it up with a rope and walking back to the goats. He looked like those little old people in old paintings carrying something many times their size on their backs. I wish I could have taken a picture. After a bit I was totally worn out and had to take a break. I laid down for a bit but the baby just kept kicking which made it difficult to actually sleep.

I finally got up and made some dinner then went out front to move the last bits of green waste. After flinging most of the big pieces over the horse gate I started moving the nice mulch over to the veggie beds in the front. I also placed some under the front gate where the chickens keep on getting out. I also watered the strawberry bed and I plan on placing some of the mulch in that bed after they're a bit more developed.

I then came inside to continue the lard process. I was able to move dirty dishes to the sink, wipe off counters, and put things away when I became insanely tired again. =( I'm now back in bed trying to type while laying down. I wish that my fits of energy would last a little longer. We'll see what it will be like when the little one gets here.

On a happy note, the remaining goose was sitting on the eggs today. =) It made me happy. I'll go out and check on the little broody hen tomorrow morning and put up some cardboard so that if the chicks hatch soon they won't fall down.

I think I just need more minions...

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