Monday, March 21, 2011

When it rains, it pours

We had a pretty interesting weekend with epic wind gusts and interesting rainfall. As of Friday I believe we are now at some insane number as in 5inches as of this moment. I call this insane because the normal for the year is around 13 inches of rain in this area. When we had the flooding in Dec/Jan - we received 7 inches in that storm. The weather is also interesting because right now I'm looking out the window are sunny blue skies while there is heavy rains falling on us. The streets are flooding and it seems a bit comical. On Sunday morning Jed was able to go out and wade in knee deep water to move debris out of the path of the "river" running through our back yard. The ducks and geese loved it, but all the other animals were pretty upset. The chickens had to play hop-scotch from little island to island so that they could move to a grassy area with out flowing water. The bridge was swept off the base and everything is pretty much floating around the back yard. As soon as the water starts to recede then it starts raining again and the whole process starts all over again. =) Forecast calls for not rain this weekend so we should be able to slaughter, and then more rain all of next week. We'll see how all this plays out.

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