Tuesday, August 3, 2010


As many of you might know, I have a tendency to lose touch and to be extremely hard to reach.... I guess I just like my time of disconnect. Jed puts up with the whole energy nazi thing as long as it doesn't mean that the router gets turned off.... but I do, I turn it off every time he goes to work because frankly if I don't need to be on the internet I'd rather not be. I like being able to walk away from the phone or the computers and be able to dig in the garden all day. There is something liberating about spending weekends just working in the yard and being so exhausted that I welcome going to work because it means I'll get a break. I like waking up at 4 or 5 in the morning and working non-stop until about midnight just to do it all over again the next day. My work cutting back my hours has been a mixed blessing. Although I don't have the money I do have the time to work outside. I think one thing that Jed and I have in common is that when we're home... we're off. But to go with that, although I'm extremely hard to get a hold of, I do enjoy those moments because I'm able to think about things that I've done and things that I've experienced with others. Those moments allow me to sherish the times I've spent with friends and family and look forward to those moments that we'll create in the future. All in all, this first year in our home has made me very thankful for the ability to work the land. I guess in a way every time I disconnect it allows me to get closer to those that I hold dear.

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