Monday, August 16, 2010

That flighty mistress, Fate.

Fate is a fickle mistress and in our home personality counts for a lot. We had been talking about if we wanted to breed from one of our animals, she is reasonably healthy and a decent breed. Then she made a very large mistake.

She snapped at Rosie while Rosie was petting her.

Rosie was not hurt in any way nor was she even startled but in that split second that member of our farmyard lost her chance of passing on her genes and moved from the yard to the menu. Right now we are full up with meat in our freezer from Big Goat, so there is a stay of execution but it is only a matter of time. That one act sealed her fate.

There is no room in our home for a hostile animal, I will not have the threat of injury hanging over the heads of my guests or my family. We had a rooster who was hostile to people...... He was delicious.

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