Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Piggy parade

When the piggies were still free range they found a way to get into the front yard. Digger was the first to figure it out as she dug her way under the horse gate and decided to dig in the front yard.. then Macaroon squeezed under and ate the strawberries... and then Oreo felt left out after a few days of this so he decided we didn't really need the horse gate and so he just lifted the whole thing off the post and moved it aside so that he could eat and dig up my artichokes, asparagus, and other perennial veggies. As this point it is 3 minutes after I should have left for work in the morning so I did the only thing a rushed pregnant woman could have done.. I grabbed some pumpkins and led them to the back of the yard. I had three skipping piggies following after me; the weight of which ranged from about 400lbs down to 150lbs... I had a neighbor driving by while this was happening and he actually stopped to watch me lead the pigs around the side of the house. I got the piggies to stay in the back and eat the pumpkins while I tried to lift up the horse gate. I can honestly say that I cannot put the horse gate back on the post all by my self so the best thing I could do is just lean it up against the post. Apparently, Jed found them in the front later on that day and decided it was time to make a new pen since they had thrashed everything in the front.

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