Friday, October 28, 2011

Preparing for ...

Many things actually. We hope to raise the frame for the goat hall tomorrow. And we have a long list of things we would like to get to fairly soon. I would like to build my milking stand, as well as a movable coop so that I can completely destroy the two "coops" we currently have. Also on this list is the new weatherproofing of the base to the bread oven with a new means to keep the weather off the actual oven. Jed just started the base for the fogon and we're looking into building something to go over it so that we can smoke some of Oreo. And speaking of Oreo, as we've never slaughtered/butchered anything as big as him we're going to have to prepare a working area for him. And, and, and... I'm not sure what it will look like to actually have our infrastructure all set up (I hope it doesn't hurt too much) but I think it might be a nice thing to just be working on daily chores rather than constructing everything from scratch. Catch me again in 5 years to see how we're doing.

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