Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thank you, Lil' Rosie

Today was a very stressful day. I went to go feed the animals only to find Rosie non-responsive and twitching. I left for work and called all the vets and researched what could be wrong with her. I was able to get a vet appointment and came home to pick her up. I was going to unload the van but when I got home she was screaming in pain and I just ran back, picked her up, and loaded her into the van. I drove like a mad woman to the vet only to have him be an hour late... The sad news is that she has a twist in her gut and will most likely not last through the night. The vet said that she was going toxic and that neither we nor the piggies should probably eat her. =( So we're seeing if she'll last through the night. We've tried a bunch of different remedies... but we're not sure how much that can help. We've been outside with her most of the day and we cannot determine how much better or worse she is getting. We can only hope she makes it... but we're also afraid to hope. Thank you for keeping up with your part of your contract Lil'Rosie. We love you and we'll miss you very much if you go. =(

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