Well.. in a way, Jed is right. There is such a thing as Rosie math.
Remember that at first we thought of having... oh.. 4 or 5 chickens.. well in a way I can explain the quantity of poultry we have at home right now.
28 - Dorkings, Andalusians, Old English Game, Spanish Bday - 3/14, Amauracanas
28 - Polish, Buttercup, Giants, Frizzle, Leghorn BDay- 6/14
3 - Turkeys Bday around May9th
6 - Runner Ducks
Total = 65 potential meals... But also.. the numbers 6 and 5 are close to the numbers 4 or 5... in in truth it's all right because they aren't anywhere close to 7, 8, or 9.. which would be wayyyy too much. =D See, it works.
I was thinking about picking up a male runner duck and possibly a pair of breeding peckings... we'll see. I think we might be fine for the winter. ... unless if I move to binary... that would so totally be awesome and I will never get to high since I'll only be in the ranges of 0's and 1's.. Rock!!
Soo for any of you who would like to learn how to raise chickens or would like some laying hens.. let us know. We'll move some over your way. Especially if it means I'll be able to bring home some more ducks or geese to take their place. =D
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