Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Out front

As a short update... May was a month of ups and downs. I might post more about that in the future, once it doesn't hurt as much. We slaughtered some guineas for a really neat event and they were nummy! We're left with a pair but they have not started laying again. I did see them mate so I know the guy is at least in a breeding state of mind. We'll see if they give us anything. The ducks are still laying on the eggs. I'll have to post the egg story. =) And also the chicken story. =(

Sooo, up front I planted a lot of items from seed so now we have the following coming up:

4 types of beans
grapes are doing a lot better now that Bugger is no longer sneaking in and eating them
We ate our first loganberry the other day
herbs are growing well
strawberries got burned with the sun but we have two hanging on
trees are doing well (3 citrus, almond and the apple)
melon and watermelon

I'm waiting on: corn and carrots to come up

Need to plant: tomatoes, strawberries, spinach, tomatillos, chilies (I guess others call them peppers...), and pickles. I'll see about doing this on Friday since I have that day off.

I love getting to see the seedlings come up. It's like christmas every time I see a new seedling sprout.

In the back we have all the trees growing, asparagus and mint hanging on, the onions spreading their seeds so that we have wild onions next year. We're harvesting mustard leaves and the grains. We're also saving some of the hay for summer food. Bees are thriving as I have to keep adding boxes as they keep filling them up with brood and honey. I need to build more boxes. Again, something I can work on on Friday. .. So much to do, so little time. If I totally can't sleep tonight (ate indian food for dinner... aka will not sleep due to tea) then I'll clean the house.

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