Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm just a little black rain cloud...

Hovering over a honey tree.. dododoo

I was able to experience a once in a lifetime event. =D The other day I got a call for a honey tree in Paso Robles, so I said I would love to go by and take a look at it. Apparently, the other 3 beekeepers that he had called had told him to exterminate them... I'm not sure why they would say that but I wanted to get a chance to do this. Image?? Being able to actually go into a tree and steal honey like they did in the middle ages? If this happens more frequently I might try to one day do it in my garb and with period tools. (That would be so awesome!!) I took Jed to go look at the tree with me. I kind of made him because he didn't realize how rare honeytrees are. I'm pretty sure he didn't find it as exciting as I found it, but I thought it was awesome. I called the guy back and let him know that I would definitely be back out there to take the bees.

I went out yesterday and took out the comb and the brood and moved it to a hive. They made the new home buzzing with their bums but there is still a lot of scent in the tree. I'm heading back out there today to clean up and to bring the bees home. I'll add the pics of the tree and the bees tonight. =)

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