Wednesday, April 14, 2010

And then... there are some of THOSE days

Yesterday is what you might call a stressful day. I got home to find that Jed's day was very stressful and frustrating. He was working on making legs for our SCA combat but ended up wasting a lot of time and material and only ended up making on set after he decided to actually listen to his own instincts. So when I got home, he was already frustrated. I had a whole list of things that I needed to get to because my bees are almost here and I have school today, making it impossible to do anything at home today. Well, I got home to find that the goats had broken one of the cherry trees and tried to break the apple tree in the back. This was discovered as I was moving materials around to make the coop work for the baby chickens. That did not make for a happy Rosie so I sent and picked up collars and some chain. I was able to get the goats on a chain but Jed brought up other things that I would have to take into consideration if I was to leave the goats tethered. After all this and trying to get things done.. both Jed and I were tired and exhausted and a little bit frustrated. So we did the only natural thing and went out to sushi. We were able to discuss the projects we were working on and what frustrated us and what we could do differently. It was actually kind of a neat conversation over a sushi boat. After dinner we picked up a couple of things needed and went home. By this time it was 10pm and we both needed to get sleep as we both were to have a busy day today. Although yesterday was frustrating, I hope the steps we take to improve our home work out. We'll have to go through our list and see what we can finish off so that we can get to actually working the land. =)

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