Thursday, April 22, 2010

Goats + Trees = Unhappy Rosie

Sooo, it's been raining and Jed didn't want to put the goats on the leashes because then they would not be able to get out of the rain. Solution: Keep the goats indoors with food until it stops raining. They were out yesterday because it was raining and the little snots snapped my plum tree(not clean off so I'll try to repair it) and cleared off my peach tree.

Putting wire and posts around my trees is next on my list of things to do so that I can at least have some fruit this summer.. Bummer too because the plum was coming along so well and it was just jam-packed (no pun intended) with fruit.

I put them out on the leash today, I doubt that they'll drown if it does.

I mended the trees tonight when I get home.... bums.

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